We are officially almost halfway through 2020, and like most of you our studio has been closed for more than half of that time. It’s crazy when we think of it.
Currently we are still closed as we await notice from our state authorities about moving to the next phase of re-opening, and sadly, we are seeing huge spikes in NC which makes us a bit worried about opening up right away – even if it is allowed.
And to top it off some of our team members are a bit worried about returning to the studio – some for health reasons and some because they have grown complacent and comfortable in the WFH gig.
Needless to say, there are a lot of decisions flooding our heads as studio owners and it’s important that we stay focused and do our best to continue to lead through this next phase of re-opening.
So….how do you re-engage your team as you start to re-open your studio?
No, we didn’t suddenly find ourselves with a crystal ball and magic powers, but one thing we know for sure is that the future of fitness and wellness is changing.
Overnight our industry was literally transformed when we were all forced to move to a virtual format, and now we are faced with another change – navigating how do we live, cope and do business in a world that now has Covid-19.
All this time in quarantine has given many of us time to reflect and actually “think” instead of “do” all the time. And over the last few weeks we’ve noticed a collective shift amongst studio owners to a “where do I go from here” mentality.
Some are deciding to contract, to simplify, to get smaller. Some are deciding to change directions all together – to pursue a new passion or to simply just take a break. Others are finding themselves leaning heavily into re-opening their studios with new protocols in place.
Wherever you are we are...
Are you feeling stuck in your in your business (or life) and not sure where to turn?
Oftentimes as women business owners, we have a lot of balls in the air and we feel overwhelmed and stressed out, or sometimes it feels like we're operating in a silo and we don't know where to turn.
We are fortunate in that we have been best friends for the last 25 years and business partners for the last 13 years. So, we have had each other’s back for ¼ of a century!
While this internal support system has been great, there have also been times in our business journey when we've had to turn to others for help – and we can honestly say we attribute a lot of our success to the coaches and mentors we have had along the way.
In fact, we’ve been so inspired by our mentors that it inspired us to start coaching other wellness entrepreneurs to create income, impact and freedom in their businesses and their lives. So if you’re wondering how a mentor can help you read...
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