Not only are we in the midst of a pandemic fraught with shifting tides, stress and uncertainty, but we are also under a racism pandemic. The scab has been pulled off of this deep wound, and as conscious business owners we have a responsibility to bear witness, listen, learn and act.
We trust that you too have been grappling with your role in this conversation and navigating your own thoughts and feelings and how to consciously STAND UP for RACIAL EQUITY.
We don’t propose to have all the answers, but we are committed to learning, listening, engaging and acting.
A Reflection from Iman Abdul-Salaam – Personal Trainer at Empower Personalized Fitness
“This past month has been a very difficult time for many people, especially for African-Americans like myself. First with the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, then Breonna Taylor and now George Floyd. Being a person of color in this country has always been challenging, but one would think by 2020 it would be or should...
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