Here we are smack dab in the middle of our “new normal” of managing a business during a global pandemic. Our brick and mortar studio has officially been closed since March 18 which means this week it will be 1 month since we’ve had clients in our studio.
If you had told us even just 2-months ago that we would close our doors for 30 days and still be standing we would have probably laughed at you.
This is surely not to brag because we have had our fair share of setbacks and challenges and each day feels like we’re running a sprint marathon trying to keep all the balls in the air. We are not out of the woods yet, and yes, we’ve made some wrong decisions along the way. It’s definitely not all rainbows and unicorns. But we are “open for business” and we’re even starting to see some growth and new opportunities as we near the 30-day mark.
Here are the 6-Steps we’ve taken to manage our business during this time.
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We often jokingly say that “Empower is our baby.” That was until we both had actual babies that needed not only our love, care and attention but also for us to be physically present so we could be active participants in their childhood.
In our early days of business ownership we were working 15-hour days which meant we literally had time for no – thing else.
Then, in true Jessica and Ronda fashion, our lives took a very parallel path when Jessica’s daughter Emery was born in August 2010, and Ronda’s daughter Kendall was born just 6 months later in Feb. 2011.
Thankfully by the time our girls were born we were primed and ready with solid systems in our business so we were both able to step away and spend some time with our new and growing families.
Since then, our main objective has been how do we continue to nourish and grow our business AND be the mothers we want to be.
Here are 4 tips to successfully juggle both your role as a parent and...
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