Leading Your Fitness Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis

Whoa!  To say the last week has been a complete whirlwind is a complete understatement.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably had a wide range of emotions as you try to understand the severity of our current Covid-19 outbreak and crisis. 

Just like you, our primary responsibility is to keep ourselves, our families, our clients, our team and our entire community as safe as possible. 

And secondly, we are working to maintain the long-term viability of our business.

Yes – we do have business systems and for that we are very grateful as these exact systems are helping us weather these challenging times.

BUT – systems can only get us so far and we are having to channel the mindset of a studio owner and leader as we navigate the days and weeks ahead.

Suffice it to say, it is not easy to stay upbeat and remain the face of the business (as we are sure you can relate). BUT, we know that we as owners are called to do this amidst these challenging...

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4 Tips To Juggling Parenthood & Business Ownership


We often jokingly say that “Empower is our baby.” That was until we both had actual babies that needed not only our love, care and attention but also for us to be physically present so we could be active participants in their  childhood.

In our early days of business ownership we were working 15-hour days which meant we literally had time for no – thing else.

Then, in true Jessica and Ronda fashion, our lives took a very parallel path when Jessica’s daughter Emery was born in August 2010, and Ronda’s daughter Kendall was born just 6 months later in Feb. 2011.

Thankfully by the time our girls were born we were primed and ready with solid systems in our business so we were both able to step away and spend some time with our new and growing families. 

Since then, our main objective has been how do we continue to nourish and grow our business AND be the mothers we want to be.

Here are 4 tips to successfully juggle both your role as a parent and...

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