Make Time for YOU! A Self-Care Assessment and Action Plan

Last week we touched on the importance of self-care – not only for ourselves but also for those we love and serve. However, knowing that self-care is important and doing something about it are two separate things - so, this week we are diving into WHAT you need to do to feel refreshed and excited for  growth (business and personal), and HOW to make it happen. 

Putting a Self-Care Action Plan into Practice:

One of the biggest complaints we hear from busy, ambitious women business owners is that they don’t have TIME for self-care.  And our short rebuttal to that reasoning is this.  Self-care is so vitally important to your sustained health and success that you must make time for it.

If time (or lack there of) is one of your road blocks, we suggest you do a quick “time-audit” and find areas of your life where you get caught up in time-sucks like scrolling social media, consuming too much world news, Netflix binges, or too many commitments to things that aren’t THAT important to you. Once you identify the things that are taking up your time and probably also draining you of energy, write them down in a list labeled – “Things to Lose In Order to Find More Time for Me.”

Next you need to have a clear idea of the self-care activities that would fill your cup and replenish your body, mind and spirit. In order to do that you may need to do a little self-care check-in with yourself physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, occupationally, and spiritually. Ask - “What part of my life feels out of balance?”

Here are some questions that may help you think about what's missing in four major areas of your life:

L – LOVE {Connections and Relationships}

  • Do you have important connections and relationships that make you feel accepted and loved?
  • Do you spend enough quality time with those who matter to you most?
  • Do you feel like you make meaningful contributions to others (your family or community or the greater world) through your work or service?
  • Do you feel fully supported by others in your life?

I – Influence  {Your Business and Life's Work}

  • Do you like or love the roles and responsibilities you have in your business?
  • Do you feel challenged and respected as a leader of your business?
  • Do you like the culture and environment you have created?
  • Do you have other creative outlets or hobbies that bring you joy?
  • Do you spend too much time at work or thinking about your business?

F – Feel Good  - {Body, Health & Fitness}

  • Do you engage in fun physical activity, feed yourself a well-balanced whole foods diet and get quality sleep and rest the majority of the time?
  • Do you feel mentally tough, have positive self-esteem, and the confidence to take action in your life?
  • Do you meditate or take moments to quiet your mind and listen to your heart?

E – Elevate – {Your Business & Personal Growth}

  • Does your business vision create excitement for you?
  • Do you allow time in your schedule to focus solely on you - your wants, needs and desires?
  • Do you invest in your own personal development?
  • Do you seek new challenges in your role as a leader and strive to learn from your life experiences?

After you have pondered these questions ask yourself: “What is one way I could improve my wellness in these areas?” Label this list “Taking Care of Myself, so I Can Be My Best”

Lastly, write down a realistic plan for incorporating at least one of these actions into your life NOW. Write down when, where, and how you are going to make this happen and label this “My Action Plan, because I am an Action Taker!”

We would love to hear what is coming up for you and how you plan to take action. If you post a pic or a comment about your wellness practice in The Bold Adventurous Sisterhood we will even help hold you accountable and likely you will inspire others to follow in your footsteps! 

Until next time....

Be Bold,

Ready To Finally Create Systems in Your Business?

We’ve created a FREE Step-by-step guide and systems checklist to help studio owners learn the 4 main systems you must have in your studio business.

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