Help! I Need Better Marketing…

Uncategorized Nov 19, 2019

Now that you are ready to build a successful, profitable business that can run without you… you’re probably thinking you need more clients.

Because more clients = more money and more money = better ability to pay your team.

The obvious answer to getting more clients is to start marketing, right? But hold on just a second… before you start throwing your hard-earned money at every last opportunity out there it’s important that you stop for just a second and get strategic with your thinking.

What is the goal of marketing? It’s to both attract and engage your ideal client.

And in order to attract your ideal clients you must think about your business from your clients’ perspective and meet them where they are in the decision-making process.

First you must consider your brand identity. What is your logo? What is your tagline? How are you presenting to the world? What do your colors and fonts say about your brand? Is everything you do “on brand” with a consistent look and feel? If not, make this your first step to streamlining your business.

Next you must create a signature offer that removes all barriers and motivates prospective clients to get off of their couch and come through your door.  In our fitness studio we offer a free initial session where prospective clients meet with a trainer, go over their health history, discuss their goals and make a plan going forward.

This time invested is worth it to us because it gives us an opportunity to customize our programming to meet our clients’ needs. Prospective clients feel valued with the extra no-obligation time up front, and they are more likely to buy from you when they have had a little more time to make their decision.  

The next component of a well-thought-out marketing strategy is to build a website that converts. It is very easy in this day and age to lean solely on social media to spread the word about your business, but it is absolutely crucial that you also have a website. And not just any website - you must have a website that converts and makes it super easy for prospects to take action right away.

In order to create a website that converts make sure you offer a ton of value up front. Show prospects how effortless it is to get started, educate them on important topics that many of your clients face, welcome them into your community, and help them understand what it will be like to work with your team.

Make sure you have a way to capture emails/contact info so you can stay in touch with them and build rapport. Even if they are not completely ready to come on board right away chances are they will be at some point, and you want to stay top of mind for when they are ready.  

The last component of a solid marketing strategy is to start networking within your local community. Your ideal client is going to live or work within a three to 10-mile radius of your physical location so it’s important to be visible in that distance from your studio.

When people see you out in the community, they're much more likely to know, like, and trust you and therefore are going to be much more likely to want to do business with you.

Networking can be formal (like a business networking group) or informal like chatting up the parents at your kids’ soccer games. Whatever the case get comfortable sharing your message far and wide with anyone that will listen.

There you have it – the 4 steps to implement before you start spending your money on costly advertising or marketing campaigns. Make sure these marketing “systems” are in place and then build from there.

Need help implementing these foundational systems? We'd love for you to join Wellness Studio Business Owners – a free group dedicated to helping wellness business owners succeed in the health and fitness industry. 

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